“Healing is a journey, not a single point of truth, insight, practice or treatment “

My Story

35 years ago I qualified as a physiotherapist and from the first patient I treated I realised that the toolbox modern medicine had provided left me ill equipped to deal with both the physical and psychological aspects of pain and illness. There was a mismatch between the science and the practice of medicine and a disconnect between body, mind and the social structures that shape us. My professional training taught me what it means to have a body but it soon became clear that ‘having a body’ was not the same as ‘being a body’.

In those days most holistic approaches to healthcare were largely dismissed as quackery because there was no scientific research to back them up.

So I set out on what has become a life long journey in search of better, more effective ways to bridge the body-mind gap and help my patients develop the resources to live their best life possible.

 I studied for a doctorate to understand, evaluate and contribute to scientific research. I studied philosophy so I could explore different perspectives and ways of developing knowledge. I explored different religions, contemplative traditions, indigenous cultures to try to understand different approaches to healing and how we humans make sense of our lived experience.

But my most valued insights and understandings have emerged from my clinical work and the healing journeys I have been privileged to share with my patients as they navigate their challenges.

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What I have learned is that there isn’t a ‘magic bullet’ treatment, technique or medicine that will cure you because:

Healing is a journey, not a single point of truth, insight, practice or treatment.

We will always need medical treatment and pharmaceutical interventions but there is now overwhelming evidence that the interaction between mind and body drives biological changes that are crucial for physical and mental health , influencing everything from pain to the immune system.

As humans we have the innate capacity to heal ourselves. All we need are the tools to realise it.

My Mission  is to provide every individual access to the tools that reconnect us with our bodies and utilise the amazing resources within us to manage our own physical and emotional wellbeing.



Jo works with clients in a variety of situations and environments to facilitate personal growth and help develop the inner resources to navigate difficult and stressful situations.

“I see the process of growth and change as an opportunity to learn about yourself, others and the experience of life. I believe that any sort of coaching or therapy has the potential to be a rich and game changing process.”

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My Vision is to create a society that empowers everyone to be the expert in their own healing journey.

Client Testimonials


I was able to rekindle certain relationships with others from Jo’s teachings.



Clinical Work

Jo’s approach to medicine, health and wellbeing is informed by her clinical experience, scientific research and philosophical perspective of what it means to be human.

She has developed a unique and evidence based understanding of how the physical body interacts and relates with the mind. In addressing the often complex underlying issues affecting health problems, Jo is well placed to help people better understand their symptoms and decide how best to utilise therapeutic approaches to optimize their health and well being.

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Jo’s doctoral research developed understandings of how empathy, as a core skill in effective communication, is done in clinical interaction. The recommendations developed from this research are relevant to interpersonal and workplace communication skills training. 

Jo pursued her interest in the relationship between mind and body through her studies at the University of Oxford. Her Masters thesis developed a theoretical framework, based on embodied cognition, to challenge the current biomedical model of healthcare and support a mindfulness-based approach to physical medicine.

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Mindfulness and Behavioural Change

Contemplative practices have long been integral to Jo’s personal and professional life. She was introduced to the practice of mindfulness over twenty years ago and, having experienced the benefits in her own life, was keen to develop her skills as a mindfulness trainer. She subsequently completed her training at the world renowned Oxford Mindfulness Centre to teach Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy and adapt mindfulness based interventions for different populations.